The chart below shows the expenditure on three categories with different proportions among residents in the UK in 2004.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons 
where relevant.


As the chart shows, it provides information about the percentages of people’s costs on three different categories in the UK in 2004.

It can be seen that people’s costs on food and drink are rising as they get older, while their cost’s on rest & hotel show the opposite trend. Also, citizen’s expenditure on entertainment tends to be rising as they age, particularly for people under 60, but for those over 75, these costs decrease to 13% again.

The main costs of young adults under 30 are for restaurants and hotels, while for 30-45 age group, these are the second largest costs. and for 30-75 ages, they are at the same percentages. And for the individuals over 45, expenditure on restaurants and hotels are the lowest costs of them.

To summery, in UK, citizens’ expenditure on the entertainment remains relatively stable and fluctuates around 6% to 14% across different age groups costs. And older age groups, who are over 45, seem account for the main part of all the expenditure on entertainment and food.


The charts provide information about the percentages of people's expenditure on three different categories in the UK in 2004.

It can be seen that people's costs on food and drink rise as they get older, while their costs on entertainment show the opposite trend. Furthermore, citizens' expenditure on restaurants and hotels tends to increase as they age, particularly for individuals under 60. However, for those aged above 75, this cost decreases to 13% again.

The main costs for young adults under 30 are attributed to restaurants and hotels, while for the 30-45 age group, they represent the second largest expenses. From ages 30 to 75, these costs remain relatively consistent. Conversely, for the remaining age groups, expenditure on restaurants and hotels is the lowest.

In summary, in the UK, citizens' expenditure on entertainment remains relatively stable, fluctuating between 6% and 14% across different age groups. Older age groups, specifically those over 45, account for a significant portion of the expenditure on restaurants, hotels, and food.

The line graph and the bar chart provide the sale’s information about the tickets of a theatre in two different years.

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