react can take more concentrate on model your application than model your ui.

instagram get acquired by face book, and developer of facebook and instagram start to use react to create the web app of instagram.

bolt.js / js.html / react

first built full application:

bolt.js or react

pros of react

react 相对 bolt 某些地方bolt 不得不写意大利面条式的代码

cons of react

it doesn’t have enough battle test yet.

bolt was already re-write for 4 months and facebook recently did an IPO, the stock was halved

尽管当时已经有bolt的沉没成本的压力在,mike Schroepfer 支持他们,做long-term decision,right decision, what ever decision they make. 最终决定走react路线。并且switch ads products everything over to react and that doesn’t happen in most companies.

jing chen, both build the product and fix the bug in the framework

working two things at the same time.