

  1. car journey

    1. labor’s day, daughter, driving license, plan car journey. plan drive from … to … to see … Suzhou garden and west lake.
    2. hit the road, traffic began to jam, did not inch along for 2 hours in a place, concern about whether we can arrive suzhou on time. you know, because of the epidemic …
    3. when we arrived Suzhou, 6. first time drive for so long.
    4. at that moment… anxious and helpless.
    5. weather not bad, and we arrived safe and sound. i practiced my skill.
    6. next time, i would drive my parents, but i need to make a specific itinerary before start the journey.
  2. incorrect information / disappointing movie

    movie , love story, feeling, impressed touched.

    invited my mom, long time since i was young my mother took me to the cinema.

    disappointed, the film didn’t touch me at all, perform skill of the actors were so poor, there was no tear dropped when they needed to cry.

    after went out of the theater. I asked mom’s feeling. no wonder she felt monotonous as well.

    afterwards, went to my friend. on purpose. annoyed but tolerated.

    at that moment, hardly invite my mom out.


    trust, check the film comments on the internet in advance.

  3. happy experience / lost your way / spend time with a young child / a game you play in your childhood / an exciting adventure

    1. summer vacation, old town, grandfather’s home, (venture off)
    2. mountain, venture off the beaten path of the mountain with my brother.
    3. got lost, natural pond, dug out an earthworm and tied it to a branch. made a simple fishing rod.
    4. until dusk. we didn’t want to go home, but if at night, would difficult to find road, so we went along a narrow path, walk a about half an hour, found way home.
    5. happy experience. it is unexpected situation made adventure so interesting and exciting.
  4. talk to a group of people / book read many times (选一个重点)

    1. book, book list, sharing session. movie with the same name of the book, at the beginning.
    2. it is not a book which has many educational meaning or pregnant for our growth, but is really a good book to relieve stress. it satisfied the fantasy of love in my mind in my childhood. while encourage me to pursue girl i liked in school, it told me best way to show my love is not just express, it was become a better person, then let her noticed me. then you and her both would be better, and that is positive energy of love. i really agree with it, this love value built in my mind since i was young. a good book can affect one person’s life.
    3. at that time, i thought it was a shame, and felt guilty, didn’t do it well.
    4. come to think of it right now, it was a good lesson for me, not only requires well realization about the content you go to say, but also need to be confidence, louder voice, this is important, even you prepare well, low voice would make you seem like not preparing well and lack of self-confidence.
    5. when come of age, on many occasion(most often) require us to speak in public, but there wouldn’t be many chance for us to learn from fail, so if we can learn and have some experiences to speak in public in young age, that will be really helpful in our growth.
  5. traditional celebration that you enjoy / a place want to visit (commemorate)/ famous person (屈原)

    1. Have you ever heard about Dragon boat festival(it is originated from QY) QuYuan(who is the main character of this festival, among all the festivals which Chinese labors are entitled to paid holiday, this is the only one to commemorate a certain person, he is a prominent poet and also a politician, he died because of his ambition can not be achieved in his time, it was a pity)
    2. a lot of people enjoy a festival because of how many the holidays it can provide, but the reason why i enjoy it is because it’s long history. the way people celebrate this festival is eating Zongzi or have a dragon boat racing, like the name of it. but all of these ways are associated with QuYuan because he jumped in to the river, and people use these ways to commemorated him, just like some kind of assume he was still alive in the bottom of the river, and people try to wake him up by these ways.
    3. but i haven’t been to QuYuan’s hometown ever before. He born in Hubei Yichang, and died in the river which across his hometown, i can’t remember the name of that river. but i really want to go there to see and to feel what this person
    4. Hubei Yichang city with long history, every year a lot people flock to this area. have a lot of 5A tourist attractions, and the most famous one is Phoenix Hill,which is the memorial hall of QuYuan located.
  6. saved money to buy an expensive gift / clothing often wear (buy to me,第一次赚钱)

    1. … is a sweater, first time to buy a gift for myself and first time to make money on my own. like wear it. not only comfort, but also significant.
    2. how i got it, it was in a winter vacation when i was in college, i stayed at home and had nothing to do. i was keen to do some special meaningful things. like earning money or learning a new skill.
    3. make up my mind. buy a gift for (my mom/myself), cuz i never did it before, i was motivated to do it. it was close to the new year, and the weather tend to turn cold, so after careful consideration, sweater. bring warm to her in winter, that can be a nice present. then i went to Taobao, a online shopping website, to find a good looking sweater, a red sweater caught my eye. in Chinese new year, red often has a meaning of lucky, so i really liked it. although the bill was exorbitant for me at that time, but i decided to do it at end. the harder it took, the more meaningful it to me, my purpose was not to earning money, the journey was the most important thing for me.
    4. then i find a part-time job as a dance teacher in a dancing studio, my job was teaching some children how to dance, because i had danced for many years. i was scrimp and save for a month to buy that gift.
    5. i cannot tell how well i felt when i bought it on the internet. it was really a hard-worn experience for me. feature→special→i like it. self-reliant man