
办公室 P I E

医院 P I E

其它,举例 P I E


There is no doubt that the color around people can affect people’s feelings, dark colors can be stressful and bright colors can be glad. In people’s life, a lot of choices made about customer goods are based on colors. But, In my view, however, people are affected by more aspects when they are in buildings, and I would argue that people actually are less affected by color schemes.


2在医院,病人的心情可能会受到颜色的影响。因为基本上所有的病人,几乎所有的时间,不是在面对医生,就是在面对walls of their room. As we all know, almost all the walls of the hospital are white, we never see a wall in a hospital that is black or green. Actually, according to some experts says, white is a color that can make people feel secure and relaxed. This can help people recover from their illnesses to some extent. So, color schemes can be meaningful when people can not help to focus on the color in the building.

3 More specifically(what is more), people’s feelings in public buildings are affected by a lot of things, not just colors. For example, the air quality, the noise, and the location of the building. Most people like to choose to live beside the river or which has more sunlight because these factors absolutely influenced their mood. And a good location with high air quality can also make people feel relaxed. So, most of the time, a large number of factors influence people’s feelings.

In conclusion, although color plays a significant role in our lives, it is difficult to judge that it certainly influences people’s feelings. But in my view, most of the time, we concentrate more on other more important things instead of color, and color just has little impact on us.

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