my name is aeolus ,i am graduated from Xiamen university. After graduated, I gaped a year and haven't taken any job.the reason why I staid at home and didn't work are that i study font end knowledge at home and took care of my grand father as he was often sent to icu during that period of time.year later, i started working as a full-stack engineer in an AI company, actually i got research into web3 when in sophomore year, my roommates, they are all geeks, i learnt a lot program knowledge from them. one of my roommates bring me into web3 world, i really have a strong passionate in the area.

i proficient in javaScript and typescript,and addition i have ability to use java、c、c++,etc.i learned those language in my university.

the first task i took over named Rich text editor development,as you can see.this is a project which is to business. take a brief description.i am mainly responsible for a module development about Image.the function about this module is when you select a position in the text and click toobar 'image'.then you can upload a image to the back-end,the image url would be a base64 format,and there will be a pre-loader image occupied the position until the image is uploaded.then the url will be replaced to our back-end url address. some difficult points of this function i think are that if people may edit text before the image is uploaded.because our rich context editor is based on virtual dom. so i need to consider some situation,how to provide a accurate position to replace this picture, or what should i do if people uploaded two same picture or even people delete the pic he uploaded advanced?another difficult point is that inline image is a different concept to normal text.our v-dom is based on a document model which provides some operation that packages the original dom operation.image module can be a different series operation so i need to develop some api by my self. this apply me to understand more deep about this framework.for example.when is switch the image's size.i will edit image‘s height or width attributes but not add a span label outside.when i overstriking a paragraph, for a normal text ,i can just add a b label ,but if there is a image,result need to filt the image.and etc.

bold and italic function both are two state function, these two function have a lot of same operation. so i design a public father two realize their function and they extend this father two realize the father class.this is a point where i consider sth about abstruct.

the second project is a web novel. in this project. more thing i did is practicing front-end foundation.and i have learned how to develop a android app through this project.there are not a very difficult point for me i think. the only one that maybe counted as a hard thing for me is when i try to put this app on google takes me some time to figure out.because of some complex process on google play platform and some strange api i need to learn how to use or which to use in a short time.

whether i can learn something and get a systematical growth, is a most import thing for me to think in a company. I want to be more proficient in one area, not a all area killer.

the most struggle thing for me is that i feel my coding be more and more mess in the direction of my leader,he has a very terrible taste about coding he usually told me don't waste time to consider ,just as my boss,he also like copy others' idea.he doesn't has his own idea.I have taught him dancing during lunch time for about three months.I realized that he is not a professional man and he learns one thing very shallow and perfunctory. So i decided to choose to work in a large Large company especially software, i can be more stable and have a chance to proficient in one area. This is why i decide to hop from my current job.

我一个最大的烦恼就是业务的不断迭代,我学东西并不慢,对于一个新的东西,我更想去发掘深沉次的东西,但是业务要求我不能这样,新需求很快回来,很快会变成用另一个框架来做,比如在做google play付费功能、facebook分享等很多平台的开发对接时,很多时间花在了筛选可靠的资料上,对于原生安卓,google会有一套规定的流程,facebook有一套api和开发配置流程,我需要在漫漫的网络资源上去筛选哪个是真正有效的解决方法,当我解决这个问题时,它并不是很困难的代码,很多时候就几个地方配置不同,代码就几行。




