1. keywords: old home, collect cicada shell. citilization.

summer, Grandpa’s home, my older home, where I was born. In my childhood, I thought this mountain was full of mysteries and had a lot of interesting things to explore, every time we went to the mountain, we could find new interesting things for fun.

I found a natural pool in the wood.



fishing rod

tree branch

catches crabs

it is so clear that we could see the bottom.

took a tricycle to the nearby river for swimming.

Afterward, civilization changed the old town. the river was changed into a dam, the tricycles were replaced with cabs. and I hardly return to my old town because of the shorter summer vacation when I became a college student. and now I am working, so there is no summer vacation for me.

the mountain behind our home was replaced with a memorial hall. I heard that the reason was to construct a local culture and commemorate the revolutionary heroes. But, for me, to be honest, the mountain was the best culture and gave birth to a special memory of my childhood.

the cities were progressing, but people were receding.

2. keywords: dragon boat festival, driving license, car journey

driving license

dragon boat festival.

traditional custom.

dragon boat race in some city. professional player.

special conditions are required, such as a long wide river, not every city holds the dragon boat race, so as my city.

zongzi, onigiri. they are easy to carry